What seems to be a recurring theme for new Portland and Portland area residents, otherwise referred to as flatlanders by locals, is that they’ve been nothing short of charmed after visiting the area. Clearly, there’s some effectiveness to Maine’s “Visit for a week, Stay for a Lifetime PR Campaign”. Whether it be a family vacation or a weekend getaway with friends, it’s hard not to be enamored once exposed to Portland’s offerings (which is what happened to me). Its working waterfront and the Old Port’s cobblestone streets give it a balance that teeters between small town approachability and a cosmopolitan air that could easily been found in a city several times its size.
If you’ve experienced the above and are seriously contemplating relocating to Portland, there are several good resources out there that can provide some assistance on the logistical front. One great resource that I referenced when getting my ducks in a row for my move was Live and Work In Maine. It’s a great website that functions as a platform for local employers who could potentially reimburse you for a vacation to Maine while exploring whether or not the move makes sense. It also provides an overview of the state’s different regions and their characteristics. For more detailed questions about the Portland area, don’t hesitate to reach out!